Message format
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ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files. It's widely used to build languages, tools, and frameworks. From a grammar, ANTLR generates a parser that can build and walk parse trees.
For more details in how to edit message format, please refer Issue data tool
Basic format
{ "text":"${eventType} ${issueLink} in ${projectLink} by ${userLink}" }
New format
{ "text":"<eventType> <issueLink> in <projectLink> by <userLink>" }
Advance format
{ "text":"${eventType} ${issueLink} in ${projectLink} by ${userLink}", "attachments": [ { "color": "${issuePriorityColor}", "text": "${eventMessageBody}", "fields": [ { "title": "Type", "value": "${issueType}", "short": true }, { "title": "Assignee", "value": "${issueAssignee}", "short": true }, { "title": "Creator", "value": "${issueCreator}", "short": true } ] } ] }
New format
{ "text":"<eventType> <issueLink> in <projectLink> by <userLink>", "attachments": [ { "color": "<issuePriorityColor>", "text": "<eventMessageBody>", "fields": [ { "title": "Type", "value": "<issueType>", "short": true }, { "title": "Assignee", "value": "<issueAssignee>", "short": true }, { "title": "Creator", "value": "<issueCreator>", "short": true } ] } ] }
Key | Description | Example data |
${eventType} <eventType> | E.g : "New issue created" | |
${issueLink} <issueLink> | It uses issue summary for displaying | |
${issueKeyLink} <issueKeyLink> | It uses issue key for displaying | |
${issueKey} <issueKey> <issue.key> <> | This is issue key | e.g : TEST-1 |
${issueSummary} <issueSummary> <issue.summary> | This is issue summary | e.g : Cannot find attachment |
<project.key> <> | You can access all properties of project object | TEST Development |
${projectLink} <projectLink> | This is project link | |
<user.key> <user.displayName> | You can access all properties of action user object | |
${userLink} <userLink> | It is action user on issue | |
${issuePriorityColor} <issuePriorityColor> | a color code of issue priority , you can change that in JIRA | |
${eventMessageBody} <eventMessageBody> | issue description or comment | |
${issueAttachments} <issueAttachments> | number of attachments in issue | 1 |
${issueAssignee} <issueAssignee> <issue.assignee.key> | current assignee | |
${issueCreator} <issueCreator> <issue.creator.key> | issue creator | |
${issueResolution} <issueResolution> | Fixed, Won't Fix ... . You can define resolution data in JIRA | |
${issueResolutionDate} <issueResolutionDate> | ||
${issueDueDate} <issueDueDate> | ||
${issueStatus} <issueStatus> | "Done,Open" | |
${issueLabels} <issueLabels> | "Bug,Improvement,Feedbacks" | |
${issueType} <issueType> | e.g : Task, Story, Epic, Subtask | |
<> <comment.body> | A comment object if given event is comment event | |
<workLog> | | |
<changeLog> | ||
custom field <fvDeveloper> <foDeveloper> | a value of custom field which has named 'Developer' a custom field object | /wiki/spaces/JS/pages/43618844 |
<issueComponents> | a list of components of current issue . e.g : UI,Development |