Test JQL tool

Test JQL tool

Able to evaluate current JQL and an issue that will be notified or not

To test JQL tool:

Step 1: Log in to JIRA as an administrator

Step 2: Select your Current Project from "Projects" dropdown on the top menu

Step 3: Expand the left menu, click on 

Step 4: At the left hand side, scroll down until Slack Integration option 

Step 5: Click on Configure

Step 6: Click on General tab

Step 7: Input JQL to querry data at Filter by JQL:

Step 8: Click on Tools tab

Step 9: Enter issue key and click onbutton

Meaning of returned JSON data

currentUsershow current user who is using this tool
jqlthe current jql string in configuration . e.g : issuetype in (standardIssueTypes())
issueJQLthe combination of current inputed issueKey and above jql
searchCountis "how many issues are evaluated the jql" with permission of current user
searchOverrideSecurityis all issues that are evaluated by jql (no permission check)

"1" is that issue is evaluated by jql with current user permission

issueSearchOverrideSecurity"1" is that issue is evaluated by jql (no permission check)

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