Slack connector for Confluence cloud

Slack connector for Confluence cloud

License Agreement

Unless otherwise noted, all JSoftware Pte Ltd Atlassian add-ons are covered by the JSoftware Atlassian add-ons EULA.

Atlassian Marketplace handles all license orders, quotes, tracking, and billing using your my.atlassian.com account. Please see the Atlassian Marketplace FAQ for full details on add-on licensing, support, and upgrade information.


  • Support multiple Slack teams.
  • Global or Space configuration
  • Message builder and send test message feature
  • Custom Slack bot name and bot avatar
  • Connected spaces reports
  • CQL filter

How to

  1. Setup global Slack notification
    1. Navigate to Confluence admin 
    2. Lookup "SLACK CONNECTOR" section
    3. Click on "Add to Slack" button
    4. Grant permission and you will see connected Slack team
    5. Click on configure icon on Slack team row 
    6. Configure your wish Slack channel and build your wish Slack notification message

  2. Setup space's Slack notification
    1. Go to Space tool and click on "Integrations" tab
    2. Click on "Slack" tab
    3. Click on "Add to Slack" button
    4. Do the same with step 1
  3. Slack bot setting
    1. Navigate to Confluence admin
    2. Lookup "Slack connector" section
    3. Click on "Bot setting"
    4. Enter your wish Slack bot name and avatar
    5. Save

  4. Connected Spaces

Upcoming features

  • Send private message when someone mention me
  • Support attachment events

Please raise a feature request or issue at https://jsoftconnector.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1

jSoft Team

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