Slack connector for Bitbucket Server

Slack connector for Bitbucket Server


  • Connect to Slack by Oauth
  • Multiple Slack channel notification per Repo
  • Custom message format


  1. You're an admin of a Slack team .
  2. Login Slack via Webbrowser
  3. Create Slack App https://api.slack.com/apps/new 
    • Copy "Redirect URI" in step 1 and paste Redirect URI(s)
    • Store client ID and Client Secret and use for step1

How to

  1. Setup Slack app for Bitbucket server
  2. Setup Slack app permissions
  3. Connect your Slack team
  4. Customize your slack message notification (Optional)

  5. Yay ! test it
    • Create a PR : you will see a notification
    • Push a commit you will see a notification in your Slack team channel


 Raise a request https://jsoftconnector.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1

or Send direct message to jsoftconnector@gmail.com

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