Issue View
Using Sales CRM in an Issue View
Sales CRM will showcase some of the deals data in an issue/epic/subtask, ticket, etc.
Do note that this will work for Jira Work Management, Jira, and Jira Service Management
Populating the issue with deal’s data
There are two ways of populating the data in an issue
1- Linking a deal to an issue in the deals section
As has been explored here, you can link an issue to a deal. As a result, the linked issue will display the deals information.
2- Creating a new deal directly in the issue
If you’re working on a ticket, you may create a deal directly in the issue. This could be a good idea if - for example - you want to associate a prospecting client to their inquiry for the sales team to be aware of.
You can create a new deal if you click on the three dots in the Sales CRM section (next to the “+” circle)
This will open a new screen where you can add the information for the deal. You will be asked to enter the following information:
Pipeline where the deal should reside
Summary : name of the deal
Contact: You can associate existing contacts or create a new one (creating a new contact let’s you choose/create a new account as well)
Estimated Revenue: How much the deal would be worth
Visualizing Sales CRM data in an issue
In an issue, the Sales CRM will display a plethora of information which can be summarized as follow:
The Pipeline
The deals linked to this issue: their names, status, and latest activity
The contacts and accounts that are linked to the deals (and by extension, the issue)
As such, it is possible that multiple pipelines are displayed in an issue.
Linking a new element in the Issue View
To link a new element, go to the Sales CRM section of the issue and click on the “+” circle. Then, connect the Sales CRM element of choice.
Linked items can be the following:
Jira Issues
Multiple items can be linked (multiple deals, accounts, contacts, etc.), which will allow multiple stakeholders to be linked, as well as multiple relevant deals or accounts.
Detailed view in an issue
It is also possible to display the detailed information for either a contact or a deal.
For Contacts, as is mentioned here, by clicking on the “i” to the right of the contact’s name - you will be able to see the information collected on the contact (e.g: birthday, groups, recent deals, etc.), make edits to the contacts, and see the latest activity (e.g; notes)
You can go back by pressing “back” in the upper right corner of that detailed contact's view.
For deals, as mentioned here, by clicking on the “i” to the right of the contact’s name - you will be able to see the information collected on the contact (e.g.: stage, status, estimated revenue, etc.), make edits to the deal, and see the latest activity (e.g: notes).
You can go back by pressing “close” in the upper right corner of that detailed deal’s view
If you view the details of a linked element, you can go back to the linked items list by clicking on “close” at the top of the Sales CRM issue view.