Mentions V1, Signal Strength V1, Predicted Probability V1

Mentions V1, Signal Strength V1, Predicted Probability V1

In this newest release, we have released many new things that we are excited to share with you!


Mentions & In-app Notifications V1

Similar to what you can do in Jira : you can now @user in a note. This is valid for Deals, Accounts, and Contacts.

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When doing so, the tagged user will receive a notification in the app (there is a bell icon in the upper-left) which can be used to see new notifications.

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The tagged user will be able to mark individual notifications as read through the “red button” on each notifications or mark everything as read from the upper right section of the notifications screen, which will remove the notifications alerts.

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And also be able to navigate to the tagged linked-object (deal, account, contact) from the notification, straight to the comment.

What’s next for mentions and notifications: Our next step is to eventually add replies to the notifications. Do note that while we initially wanted to leverage Jira notifications, we find ourselves unable to do so due to lack of API support from Atlassian.

We also want things like assigning deals to show up as notifications.

Further down the line, we also want to see how we can bundle notifications with email notifications and Slack notifications.

Signal Strength V1

Signal strength is a new way to quickly understand whether a deal is going well or not by gauging the strength of the connection between you and the contact or the company, using a formula.


Simplified formula explanation: The formula uses a scoring system to evaluate the connection strength.

Depending on whether it is a Deal/Account/Contact, the scoring system will use a set of three criteria to determine the strength of the connection, from “Very Weak” to “Very Strong”.

Deals Score Calculation

  1. It attributes a score based on Recency on activities (when was the last meeting, last comment, last user activity).

    1. It only uses Deal data to attribute a recency score

  2. Scores are attributed using the status of the deal (Open/Close/Unqualified)

  3. Scores are attributed using the stage (Won/Lost/Unqualified)

Account/Contact Calculation

  1. It attributes a score based on Recency on activities (when was the last meeting, last comment, last user activity) on the Account/Contact.

In addition, new fields have been added (which are used to help score the strength of the connection), which can be added as columns when looking at the list view for Contacts, Deals, Accounts.

These are as follow:

  • First Email: when was the first email tracked

  • Last Email: when was the last email tracked

  • First Comment: when was the first comment posted

  • Last Comment: when was the last comment posted

  • First Meeting: when was the first meeting tracked

  • Last Meeting: when was the last meeting recorded

  • First call: when was the first call tracked

  • Last call: when was the last call recorded

  • First activity: when was the first activity recorded (email, comment, meeting, call, notes, all count as activities)

  • Last activity: when was the first activity recorded (email, comment, meeting, call, notes, all count as activities)

  • Connection Strength: How strong is your link to the object (Very Weak → Very Strong)

  • Total activities: how many activities were done (email, comment, meeting, call, notes, all count as activities)

Do note that you do not need to have your integrations online (E.g: Google, Outlook) in order to have the activities to count for the signal strength.


The new fields can be added as new column by hitting the “cogs” in the list view of deals/contacts/accounts sections

Next Steps: we want to be able to add automation (e.g: when last activity is >5 days THEN send Slack notification), and adding the possibility of tweaking the weight of each attribute (custom formulas). In addition, we want to strengthen our formula - a possibility is for the formula to be able to handle elements from a Parent-Child relationship, in order to measure a more holistic connection strength.

Predicted Probability V1

Predicted Probability is a new automated metric for deals deep view, which suggest a probability of winning the deal.

The predicted probability is different to the Estimated Probability (% ) which is added by the user (or through an automation rule). Instead, the predicted probability uses the Stage of the deal to determine the probability of being won (Won, Lost, Unqualified, empty).


If the predicted probability provide a different value to the estimated probability, you have the option to make the predicted probability overwrite the estimated probability (predicted becomes estimated). You can do so by clicking on the “thumbs up” icon. Do note that the “thumbs up” icon will only show when there is a different value between the predicted and estimated probability.

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Next Step: Our next step for the predicted probability is to take in consideration the status of the deal as well.


In the future, this could also be elements where we introduce AI, in order to more dynamically score the strength of connections or the probability of winning deals.


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