Hubspot Integration

Hubspot Integration


Integrating to Hubspot

You can integrate Calendar Meetings to Sales CRM through Hubspot meeting links. In other words, this integration allows you to grab fields from meeting link’s forms from Hubspot’s Meeting Scheduler and add those fields to a new deal in Sales CRM




This is a two part setup. Part one will be in Hubspot and Part two will be in Sales CRM.

Part 1 - Setting up a Private App in Hubspot

To properly connect Sales CRM to Hubspot, you will need to integrate the two tools through a private app in Hubspot.

This means that you will need Admin Permissions in Hubspot to do this


1- Create a private app (Settings, Private Apps)

Private Apps Hubspot.png

2 - Add the basic information to the private app

You can name the private app as you wish and fill in the logo and description, it will not impact the integration between the tools.


basic info.png

3 -Define the scope of the app

The scope is what defines the information that can be exchanged for this private app.

In the “CRM” module, add the Read permission on the following lines, as shown in the picture below:

  • crm.objects.companies

  • crm.objects.contacts

  • crm.objects.deals


4 -Fill in Webhooks Section with Target URL

In the Webhooks Section of the private app setup, you will be asked to add the “Target URL”. This information is available from Sales CRM in the integration tabs (Sales CRM → Pipeline of choice → Integration → Hubspot → Target URL)


The Target URL is used by Hubspot to send a JSON payload to this URL with details about events when they trigger.

Copy the Target URL from Sales CRM into the designated field in the Hubspot Webhook section.


And Create the Subscription


5 -Fill in Webhook Subscription section

This section is done in order to determine what types of events the private app will listen to in order to sync the data between the two tools.


Select the following object types for the webhook subscription:

  • Contact

  • Company

  • Deal

Select the following events to listen to:

  • Created (mandatory)

  • Deleted (mandatory)

  • Merged

  • Restored

  • Association changed

And save the change

Once complete, you will be able to see what webhooks the app accesses, and have data on the private apps (how many calls are made, and so on).


Part 2 - Setting up the integration in Sales CRM

In part 2, we will fill in the details in Sales CRM so that the automation can work flawlessly.

1- Open the Hubspot Integration

Sales CRM → Pipeline of choice → Integration → Hubspot

2- Add the Access Token and the Client Secret Key to Sales CRM

Keep this to your internal team only.

To get this information, go to Hubspot Settings → Private Apps → Auth and copy the access token and the client secret.

  • The Access Token is used to make API calls. Sales CRM uses this to get information from Hubspot.

  • The Client Secret Key is used for signature validation. Sales CRM uses this to validate the request to your instance to make sure that the date is from your Husbpot account.

Copy the information to Sales CRM

3- Map the fields in Sales CRM

There are three types of fields that can be mapped directly from Hubspot and into Sales CRM: Deal, Contact, Account. You can map the information to grab the information directly from Hubspot when a meeting is booked.


If you added any additional fields to Sales CRM (e.g: Deals → Grid View → Add column → New Field), they will appear in the relevant section. As a result, you will be able to map those fields with Hubspot fields (e.g: SEN)


It is possible that no results initially show. In which case, close the integration and re-open it. Re-opening the integration menu should allow the fields to load properly from Hubspot.


4- Close the Integration

For each changes made, there should be a pop-up message indicating that the changes have been made. You can then confirm that the integration is live if the switch is turned on (Blue). In addition, in the automation section, you will see that the Hubspot Integration has been automatically added.


As any automation, you can add additional steps.

Example & Result

In our example we mapped the following fields (view image).



In our example, the booking link has no form aside from First Name, Last Name, Email Address. As a result, many of the fields will stay empty.


Once the meeting is confirmed, it will show in the automation logs and a new deal will be created


In addition, the new deal will be created with the Hubspot fields (this information has been mapped previously in the integration screen).


Also, the Source and the Activity reflect Husbpot as a Source.


Things to note

  • This integration can work on any Hubspot Plans (free and above). However, do note that on the free Hubspot Plan, you do not have the ability to customize the booking link’s form.

  • You will need to connect your calendars for this integration to work

  • You can map custom fields from the Hubspot Calendar Form to Sales CRM if you add custom fields to Sales CRM (e.g: Deals → Grid View → Add column → New Field)

  • Booking links using the same email addresses will not generate a new deal (the automation will not trigger)

  • The integration will work on all the booking links created from Hubspot




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