Goals are a way of keeping track of an objective/OKR/KPI for a user, a team, or an account.
You can reach the Goals section by going to the left side of the Sales CRM and going to the goals section from the left side of the screen.
From that screen, you will be able to see all the existing goals, and create new goals as well.
In the Goals Screen, you can create a new goal by selecting the “+ New Goal” in the upper right section of the screen.
From there, you will need to configure a few elements in order to set up your new goal. The elements are explained below
The goal type refers to the “nature” of the goal and how it is being calculated. The options for goal type are as follow:
Added: Refers to new deals added to an account (company) or the value of the new deals to an account (company). Example: 5 deals per month for Acme Corp.
Progressed: Number of deals (count) that are under a certain stage or the value of the deals (e.g: $ value) for a certain stage. Example: 500$/per month in “Negotiation”
Won: The number of deals that have been won or the value of won deals. “Won” refers to the stage of the deals.
The assignee sections determines who is taken in consideration for the calculations of the goals.
User: Specify one user that is part of the pipeline who will carry out the goal
Team: Every user in the pipeline is taking part in the goal
Account: Determine which one account (company) to be used as recipient for the goal
Refers to the stage of the sales funnel that you want to use as to calculate the progress of a goal. You can add multiple.
Depicts how often the goal is being measured during its duration, or the block of time used to group the metrics together:
Use the date picker to determine the start and end date of the goal
The measure of success for the goal to be achieved. There are currently two ways of calculating success:
Count: Set the number of deals for the goal to be a success (e.g: 5 deals a month in “Negotiation”)
Value: Set the amount that deals should sum up to be a success (e.g: 500$ a week won across the pipeline)
Once the elements of the goals have been inserted, you can save the goal. It will be displayed in the Goals section with the information you created.
To visualize the progress of a goal, you can do so in the Dashboard section of the Sales CRM.