• Able to chat with team in Jira issue
  • Able to setup look and feel for Chat widget per project
  • Automatic create issue channel if not channel in Slack tab
  • Automatic invite default users (agents) to issue channel
  • Support emoji icons

To set up live chat for Jira issue:

Step 1: Log in to JIRA Server as an administrator

Step 2: Choose Settings button at top right corner

Step 3: At drop down menu, select System

Step 4: At the left hand side, scroll down until Slack Integration option > choose Chat Widget

Step 5: Fill in

  • Project : The project you want to add live chat
  • Project type: Type of project you want to add live chat
  • Slack team: Choose your team
  • Chat Agent: Invite members that can support
  • Widget Icon: fa fa-comment (we're using font-awesome for render the icon)
  • Widget Theme Color: #0052cc . You can pick any color you want at https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-picker/
  • Chat Box title : Title of chat box

Step 6: Click on button

Step 7: To test the chat box, open a Jira ticket and observe the bottom left corner

Step 8: Click on Support chat box and send a sample message

Step 9: Login to Slack and a channel is created automatically for Support