While there is a dedicated Account section, please note that it is possible to create, select, and organize Accounts in multiple over parts sections of the CRM (Board view, Grid view, Deal view).
To access the Account Section, you will need to click on the building logo icon on the left side of the screen.
There, you will be able to see all of your current existing Accounts, and their corresponding information - organized in columns, create new Accounts, and get more details on the companies by going into the detailed Account view.
Adding Filters, Creating Custom Filters and Dynamic Filters
While navigating the Accounts Section of Sales CRM, you are able to add filters in order to limit the results that come by based on your filters.
Accessing Filters
You can find the filters on the upper left section of the accounts with the funnel icon.
From the filters:
1- you will be able to access your favorites (the ones that you have marked as such by clicking on the star icon)
2- You will be able to filter by Account owners
3- You will be able to see your custom filters
4- You will be able to add a new filter
Creating a new Filter
You can create a new filter by pressing the “+ Add new filter” button.
This will provide you with options for your new filters:
Name: Name of the custom filter
Conditions: add filter by Groups, Labels, or additional fields
Visibility: determines whether the filter is private (filter’s creator) or if it is public (everyone in the pipeline has access).
Once the custom filter is created, it will be accessible from the “Filters” section of the filters menu.
Dynamic Filters
Dynamic filters can be added as a way to quickly add filters on your fields on interest.
Adding filters will create a temporary filter (will reset upon refreshing the page). Furthermore, exporting the page with the Dynamic Filters will export only the filtered elements to a csv.
As a result, you are able to more quickly find relevant accounts or contacts, pin point duplicate fields, and export filtered data to be further manipulated elsewhere (e.g: Email reach out).
Modifying and Reorganizing the columns in the Accounts Section
You can move columns arounds by dragging them to the position of choice clicking on the downward triangle that appears and choosing the position to move the column to (left or right).
Hiding Columns
You can hide a column of your choice by going over one and hovering over it’s name. When the field turns gray, you can click the column and click on move columns arounds by clicking on the downward triangle that appears and choosing the “Hide column” option.
Adding Columns
You can always add the columns you’ve hidden, or add more columns.
By default, not all fields are shown in the Grid view, but it is possible to add them manually afterwards. In addition, it is possible to capture a custom field of your choice by clicking on the “+ New field”.
In addition, the deleted Account is not recoverable, so the data will be lost. (the related contacts will be kept in the system)
Going in the detailed view of an Account
The activity section is meant as a way to keep track on the interaction points with the Account and be able to quickly reference past conversations, tasks, To-dos, etc.
Recent Contacts
Recent Contacts shows all the Contacts that have been linked to the account. Links can be done from the Contact Section or in the Deals Section.
Recent contacts helps document who the right point of contact, stakeholder, or other contributor is. And may help reference the right person.
From this view, you can make a few actions for the Recent Contacts
Make edits to the fields (e.
g: name, email, phone number)
Navigate to the Contact of choice by clicking on the “i” to the right of the name.
Recent Deals
Recent Deals shows all the deals that have been linked to the account. Links can be done from the deal section. If a deal has been attributed to a certain contact. The deal will also be attributed back to the account if the contact is linked to the account.
Recent deals is a way to quickly understand the importance of an account and helps make business decisions. You will be able to see the following:
Name of the deal
Value of the deal
Deal Reporter
Issue linked to the deal
From this view, you can make a few actions for the Recent deals
Make edits to the fields (e.g: name, email, phone number)
Navigate to the Contact of choice by clicking on the “i” to the right of the name.
Linking additional items together
You can also link multiple items together from the data link section on the right side of the detailed view. Linked items can be the following:
Jira Issues
For example, you can now have a deal (e.g: Demo Artic Fire) be linked to multiple companies, have multiple contacts, multiple deals, and multiple Jira issues connected.
Once they are linked each item will be accessible from the data link section and you can navigate to those sections easily from the data link section.
As a result, you can now add more elements to an object and more accurately reflect your workflows.
The Data link offers a more elaborate way of linking multiple elements together and makes it easy to navigate between them all.
To add a linked object, simply go to the right side of the Data link section and press on the “+” from there, simply search the object that you would like to add (e.g: account, contact, deal, issue)
You can filter your objects by certain categories to only see relevant objects (e.imageg: See all, see accounts, see contacts, see Jira issues)
Editing the fields
In the detailed view, you can see all the fields available (native and custom). You can make edits to those fields directly on this page.
Do note that you cannot add new custom fields. You will have to navigate to the Board Grid view in order to add additional custom fields.
Create/Hide Columns
Move Columns Around
Edit fields
Delete Accounts
Create new Accounts
Going to the detailed view of an Account
Board view
The Board view makes it easier to cluster: Accounts are grouped by Group.
A group is a text variable that can be used as an extra variable to organize your date. This could be used for labeling the source of the Account (lead list, website, event, etc.) , the nature of the projects for the Accounts (R&D, Custom Development, Consulting), and more.
Similarly to the Board view, you can
Create new groups
Move Groups around
Move Accounts to different groups
Create new Accounts
Going Go to the detailed view of an Account